LAVWCD Partnering Entities
Division of Water Resources - Division 2
Division 2 administers the Arkansas River Basin to protect senior Colorado surface water rights from out of priority depletions caused by junior tributary groundwater rights and to prevent depletions to usable Stateline flow that would otherwise occur as a result of pumping post-Arkansas River Compact wells in Colorado.
Colorado Water Conservation Board
The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) represents each major water basin in the state and other state agencies in a joint effort to use water wisely and protect Colorado's water for future generations.
The CWCB was created 85 years ago in 1937 and today it remains Colorado's most comprehensive water information resource. The agency works on a broad range of programs and provides technical and financial assistance to support the Colorado Water Plan.
Arkansas Basin Roundtable
The Arkansas Basin Roundtable consists of representatives from every county in the Arkansas River basin.
The Roundtable serves as a forum for discussion of regional and local water issues and provides proponents of water projects the opportunity to gain support, secure funding, and partner with other stakeholders to implement projects that are aligned with the Roundtable's goals.
Colorado Water Congress
The Colorado Water Congress is a non-profit organization established in 1958. We serve as the principal voice of Colorado's water community and provide leadership on key water resource issues.
Through member forums and committees, the Colorado Water Congress provides strong leadership and thoughtful action to serve Colorado's needs to manage, protect, conserve, and develop our most valuable natural resource.
Water Education Colorado
Working toward a vibrant, sustainable and water-aware Colorado, we collaborate independently with all stakeholders. Water Education Colorado provides community membership, leadership training, educational resources and programming to ensure Coloradans are both knowledgeable about key water issues and equipped to make smart decisions for a sustainable water future.
Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control & Greenway District
The District is authorized to manage, administer, and fund the capital improvements necessary in the Fountain Creek Watershed to:
~ Mitigate flooding, erosion and sedimentation
~ Address water quality issues
~ Improve drainage
~ Protect open space
~ And develop public recreational opportunities including open space
Arkansas River Basin Water Forum
In Colorado, water makes everything possible.
To know water is to better understand our state. Since 1995, the Arkansas River Basin Water Forum has provided a friendly, constructive medium where individuals and organizations are able to explain their views and engage in open dialogue with other water users.
Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District
The Southeastern District was formed in 1958 to administer the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, which was approved by Congress in 1962. The District includes parts of nine counties in the Arkansas River basin and brings water into the basin from the Fryingpan River basin on the western slope.
Colorado Department of Agriculture
The mission of the Department of Agriculture is to strengthen and advance Colorado agriculture; promote a safe and high-quality food supply; protect consumers; and foster responsible stewardship of the environment and natural resources.
Our vision is that Colorado agriculture be strong and vibrant, a key driver of the state’s economy, and recognized worldwide for its safe and abundant supply of high-quality food and agriculture products.
Frequently Used Monitoring Tools
Colors of Water Tool
The Arkansas River Colors of Water and Forecasting Tool assists with administration of water rights and provides transparency of their administrative decision-making to water users and the general public.
The NRCS Snow Survey Program provides mountain snowpack data and streamflow forecasts for the western United States. Common applications of snow survey products include water supply management, flood control, climate modeling, recreation, and conservation planning.
Drought Monitor
The U.S. Drought Monitor is produced through a partnership between the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Colorado Decision Support Systems
Colorado's Decision Support Systems (CDSS) is a water management system developed by the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) and the Colorado Division of Water Resources (DWR) for each of Colorado's major water basins.
Ditch/Canal Companies and Well Associations
Coming Soon